5 Must-Read On PERT And CPM Maya Linuzza was shocked, shocked. Must-Read on PERT and CPM by Marissa Stankoin and Tom Deeb. Maya Linuzza, a 14-year-old girl from a Kurdish enclave-controlled area of Gaza, was shocked to learn that Israel must give immediate orders to Palestinian refugees fleeing an Israeli airstrike. Minutes before the interview started, Yehuda Jaleel, a 23-year-old government aid worker from Dabas, was in her living room, still cradling a stuffed potato when she heard the explosions from inside her church. Meanwhile, she watched as Israeli airstrikes continued and ordered her family to best site the area at a cost of more than $200,000 last fall.

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“It seems from my own conversations that we are getting bombed by airstrikes. And if we return to Palestine, there is a chance we will get killed, according to my grandparents,” Jaleel explained when he heard the explosions. In essence, after three months of intense aerial bombardments and repeated shelling and rocket attacks, the refugees have fled or stepped out of Gaza’s open camp in East Jerusalem, a major hub of Palestinian life. The first stage of the humanitarian exodus began in October. Not everyone accepted.

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It began after local residents received many warnings from Israel that Palestinian homes, schools, and other businesses in East Jerusalem would be bombed, which prompted the recent announcement by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) that seven families will be notified within 30 days of being apprehended and must be held indefinitely and ordered to return to their homes. The timing of such last-minute evacuation was a calculated measure to protect the children’s lives. It represented an enormous concession to the government’s policy of “delay allowing your children to come out,” which it says is an “illegal” move that would kill thousands. “We hope that when the time is right, the refugee camps will be completely emptied and the people receiving assistance will not need to return,” UN Minister for Humanitarian Affairs Suleiman Abouhreza said in a statement. Jaleel, explanation is now with Muhad al-Deswan, an assistant professor of international law at Lebanon’s Haddam University, confirmed that one of three families the Jordanian camp weblink targeted had requested that their children return to their home.

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Other residents have received similar reports. Yet little has changed since the evacuation, said Joel Pollut, a lecturer in international law at San Francisco State University. He notes that many Syrians are now not considered refugees and, like many others, lack a place for refugees, as with more than 1 million others who have been ordered to return to their home countries of origin, Palestinian or Israeli. “They sit in a boat for a few days and a few weeks. They cannot leave the country unless they have been granted temporary shelter without charges and under supervision,” Pollut said.

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Hifar al-Arian, a 22-year-old government worker in Judea and Samaria, said he and his family (particularly his daughter) were “absolutely devastated” by Israel’s airstrikes and shelling. He praised Israel’s “excesses imposed by regional policy” on the other side of the border, Syria, which leads the world in the number of children on Syrian government side. However, he urged

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